September 28, 2012

It's Official!

We're moving!! Yay!! Quite the interesting road it has been the past month. After finding a house in Onalaska, we decided we needed to back out of the offer after the seller's were not very willing to work with us on many fronts. They were extremely difficult to say the least and thankfully we had a few contingency's in place for us to get out of the deal. Unfortunately, she cleans my teeth, so after this mess, I think I better look for a new dentist, :)  But in the end, we are glad things went this way as that house was not a good fit for us, and their selling price was a ripoff!

So anyways, we had until Oct 5th to find a suitable replacement before our buyers removed their offer. The house market in this area is very tough. Not a wide selection of available nice houses at a decent price and/or vacant land. But we got lucky and a house in Holmen popped up last week and we went for it. Offer was accepted yesterday and closing date is Dec 7th (two weeks after Kelly's c-section). It will be a crazy period to move but we will do just fine. We are very excited. And even though Holmen is not where we wanted to live at first, we think the extra 5 - 10 min drive is manageable (as funny as that sounds to some of you). The house will allow us to do alot of customization to areas of it over the years and that was something we were hoping for. But the best thing of all (in my opinion), Kaylee will be a Holmen Viking when she enters school. ha.

Here are a few pics of our future house...

Keeping our fingers crossed all inspections work out and we can move on to the next chapter of our lives in our new home...

September 23, 2012


A new post! Wow, it's been a while. Kelly is doing well. She was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes but is keeping things under control. Eating so many carbs a day is not fun for her, oh and the 4 pokes a day to check her blood sugar, but she is being a trooper and doing well and keeping the numbers where they need to be. We have scheduled the c-section for the 23rd of November (day after Thanksgiving). Only two months to go!

Here is a few pics of Kelly and Kaylee. Oh and one Happy Birthday video to Kaylee's friend Ava. She turned 2 today.

And yes, another singing video from the bath tub. Just seems to be the easiest place! Happy 2nd Birthday Ava!