December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We opened a few presents this morning from Mom and Dad. Santa presents are arriving on Christmas morning. Kaylee was very excited to get her new doll house! Makenna was pretty excited too, but she decided to sleep through most of the gift openings...

December 20, 2012

1 Month Old!

Makenna turned one month old the other day, here are some cute pictures of her that Kelly took. Time goes by so fast!

December 15, 2012

Newborn Photo Shoot

We went to JC Penny for Makenna's photo shoot. And although we had a great experience the time we went for Kaylee's newborn photo's, this time around we didn't have a good experience (with the staff and their creativity). But oh well, always 3 month pictures at another location next time!

Makenna has been doing pretty good, getting to be a little more fusier it seems but still sleeping quite a bit. But she has been a joy and we are very blessed. It sure is quite different with two kiddo's now in the family. Busy busy busy and Dad's little bit of free time has gone out the window, lol. But we are loving it and getting more comfortable each day.

Kaylee not having the full attention that she was used to has been a little hard for her, but she loves being a big sister and loves planting her face 2 inches from Makenna's face every moment she can get, :)

As for our new house, we love it. We still have quite a mess but getting a little done each day as time affords. We love having more space and a huge kitchen.

Here are some of the pics...

And then just a few we took today by the tree...


December 3, 2012

2 weeks!

We had Makenna's 2 week appt today and all is well. She has gained 10 oz since last Monday, so that is great news. She is starting to grunt alot, and just her way of making noise. It sure is funny. Here are a few stats:

Height:  20.28 in
Weight: 7.9 lbs
So we were happy to hear she is growing well, and really putting on that weight, yay!