September 28, 2013

A trip to the orchard...

We ventured out to Ferguson's Orchard today with some of the Rahns. Rain held off and was a great time by all. Emily surprised Kaylee at her gymnastics this morning, and Kaylee was so happy to see her there. Kaylee LOVES Emily and tends to follow every footstep of her big cousin. Here are some pics and a few older videos...

I think the tractor is a little small for you Josh, just sayin'.....

Getting to be sooo big!

Pumpkin patch fun for Makenna...

This was an older shot of Makenna after daycare. The teachers had fun with her and making ponies in her hair (if you look close)...

And a few videos of Kaylee dancing at Applefest and Makenna walking behind the dinosaur...

September 21, 2013


Just some fun in the sun at good old Applefest. We asked Kaylee if she wanted to ride the pony but she said no. As we were walking away, she said she wanted to. What a surprise. She's always been a terrified of the little creatures but she loved it.

About to go on the Ferris Wheel with Grandma and Grandpa...

We ran into Paige (Kaylee's cousin) so that was great!

A high five to Grandpa...

Bumper cars!!

September 16, 2013

Makenna's 9-month photoshoot...

Yesterday we had Makenna's 9-month pictures. Here are a few of them (she is such a cutie!)...

As for what we have all been up to. It's been a busy busy summer. Kaylee has been enjoying riding her bike (in the garage lately around our cars), and Makenna is getting into everything. Pulling the safety outlet covers off, the table bumpers off, you name it. This girl is a crazy one. And she is so happy and giggly all the time. She just got over a nasty stomach flu with quite a few throw-ups, with one being at our table when we were out to eat. So that was fun! As for us, we have been trying to get painting jobs done around the house before my lovely foot surgery mid October.

September 13, 2013

Bath time fun!

Another video to share. This time of Makenna in the bathtub. She doesn't seem to ever want to play and instead she would rather just run her hand through the water from the very beginning of bathtime to the very end. She loves it!

September 7, 2013

Fantastic Gymnastics!

Kaylee had her first gymanstics class today through the Y. She loved it and can't wait until next weekend. Here are a few videos of her...

September 6, 2013

Our big girl...

Here are a few shots of Makenna standing up. The girl is into the adventurous stage. Pulls herself up on anything in site. Daycare said she is known to open the refrigerator at least 4 times a day on them.

Set her on the floor, come back into the room, and find her like this, haha.

Look guys, 1 hand!  She has been such a photgenic baby. She sees the camera and gives us a big cheese.