February 19, 2014

Time for a check-up!

Makenna had her 15-month checkup today! Exciting stuff! She blew the numbers off the scales, ha, right. She had two more shots today which she loved mightily. Here are her stats!

Weight: 20.8 lbs (15 percentile)
Height: 30 1/2 inches (50 percentile)
Head: 17.9 inches (39 percentile)

And after seeing her ears and realizing they haven't fully recovered from her last ear infection (kind of what we figured), they are recommending we see our ENT doctor, who will probably recommend tubes for the little girl.

And just a few pics of Kaylee feeding her Baby Alive doll and baking with Mommy in her Easy Bake Oven. Which is a complete joke in my opinion. Food is gross. They don't make em like they did when I played with one, :)


February 11, 2014

Blog catchup...

Just a quick entry for the night. Girls are finally healthy. Kaylee was out three days last week (again) with a high fever and Makenna was out 1 1/2 days with another ear infection. 5th one in 6 months, so one more and she gets tubes. But we are all back to normal finally, yay! Here are a few pics of the past month(s)...

This is what happens when you take your eye off this girl. She runs into the closet and gets some weird looking hat on and a boot all by herself. Of course it was backwards but it didn't seem to slow her down.

Kaylee loves being in charge of the toothbrushes at night. Lines them all up, toothpaste on, etc  It's a nice way for her to get to brush her teeth without a fight, so whatever works.

Makenna and Kaylee dressed up for a wedding...

Stay home sick day with Grandma Carol...

Crazy hair day at daycare...