December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas - 2014!

Another fun Christmas for the girls! Hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and a Happy New Year!

And to cap it of, a few videos of the girls with their bounce house...I think Kaylee knew what was coming seeing her reaction coming down the stairs, :)

December 4, 2014

Catch-up Mode!

Been too long since I took time to upload some new pictures. Here are they!!

Makenna had her 2-yr checkup the other day, here are some stats:

Weight: 25.9 (34 %)
Length: 33.62" (41%)
Head: 18.9" (63%)

A happy, healthy girl is the report from the Doc!

Story time at the Library! Kaylee loves this. Every Tuesday night for 30 minutes. Plus she wins some cool gift certificates for attending through her 4K program.

Thanksgiving time with the Family...

Disney Pirates and Princesses at the La Crosse Center...

 Our Christmas Tree!

Rest in Peace Grandma... (26 grandchildren, and 29 great-grandchildren with even more on the way.  Crazy! No, not us)