December 26, 2011

Kaylee's Kitchen!

Should keep her busy for the next few years! :)  (Fingers crossed, ha)

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

What a crazy past few days, lots of parties and so many presents! We are very grateful! Thanks to everyone! Kaylee handled all the parties very well with little sleep. Here are a few pics...

Kaylee standing on her kitchen set that Santa brought her. We finally got it put together the next day, more pics to come...

One of her only good pictures as she wasn't in the mood to be taking pictures with all the excitement of presents to open!

Adam being forced to pose for his uncle...

Thumbs up for a new laptop!

Grandma and Grandpa all smiles...

Grandpa, Kaylee, and Josh...

Kelly and her god-child Emily!

Kaylee pushing Jared, she had too much fun with this!

Happy Holidays 2011!

December 17, 2011

Sledding time!

With the little bit of snow we got! Kaylee had too much fun. And Mom and Dad are out of shape! :)

December 10, 2011

XMas came early!

Kaylee was surprised with an early Christmas present from Ava. We couldn't resist not opening it, so away we went! (Thanks by the way Bangtson Family, perfect gift!)

Ohhhh sweeet! A 22-piece dress up costume kit. Kaylee loves it!

She was so interested in playing with all the accessories...


And then some random pics since it's been a while since I posted on here. We decided to build a fort one night. Fun stuff man!

Ice cream sundae time!

Oh and a new milestone. No more pacifier at bedtime or during naps, yay!!

November 12, 2011

20 months old!

Not too much new at the Banse household. Kaylee has been a happy girl and cold-free the past month or so. And I just realized she is now a few days past 20 months old! She is defintely changing on us before our eyes. Still Mommy's girl 99% of the time. Listening to her talk to herself when she wakes up in the morning is quite adorable and funny. And she is starting to love to play dress up. She seems to want to put her Minnie Mouse Halloween outfit on alot lately and even the ears. Of course she wants to do this AFTER Halloween is over, :)  Here is a couple random pics...

This is her version of saying "Cheeeese!"

Haven't had a bath time pic in a while so thought it would be fun to take a new one. She's all about washing herself and scrubbing her head with soap. Pretty soon she will probably be taking 1/2 hour showers by herself, ha. So here is a look back at past months bath time. How fast time goes by!

2 months...

 6 months...

20 months!

October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Here are a few pics during our Trick or Treat adventure tonight. Kaylee wasn't too sure about wearing the ears, but we managed most of the night. Oh and the carving of Minnie Mouse that Kelly worked so hard on, :)

October 29, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We decided to carve our pumpkins today. First time we carved a pumpkin in 20 years! So that was quite the adventure. They aren't done yet but we'll have to post the final carvings on the next post.

Kelly working meticulously on Kaylee's pumpkin...

Kaylee as Minnie Mouse!

And one last picture of Kaylee dressing herself in the morning, haha.

October 10, 2011

Kaylee's very first potty chair!

Not training yet, but thought it would be fun for Kaylee to get used to it. She loves sitting on it! This is the GX 465 Gold model. Ok, felt like talking like my buddy Brian there for a second. It even has a toilet paper holder, fake flusher, and even makes music when it senses something. Wowsers, lol.

October 5, 2011

19 months already!

Kaylee had an adventurous past few weeks, not in a good way though. She got a case of red eye from daycare. Doctor thought it was pink eye but turns out it was red eye and there was really nothing that could be taken to cure it but just the waiting game. It has finally cleared itself up though after a few weeks. Then she came down with some sort of infection, possibly sinus, so another trip to the doctor. Placed her on her favorite (augmentin), not really her favorite but she took it like a champ.

Then of course daycare called a few days later stating Kaylee threw up. So another trip to the doctor but it turned out to be nothing, but of course she had to stay home the next day due to daycare's lovely 24-hour rule. Then a few days later, daycare called once again and said she might have a UTI due to smelly urine. Another trip to the doctor's office and Dad had to experience a horrible cathator placed in Kaylee so they could take a pee sample. Not fun at all! Thankfully, she did not have a UTI and the red eye infection was probably just working itself out. So finally, she is back to normal health and feeling like herself!

She is now no longer wanting to sit in her highchair during eating times and pretty much refuses to eat when in there. So we tried the booster chair, and that must of done the trick because she has been eating well when in there. Pretty independent little girl she can be at times! :) 

Here is a pic of her eating a few M&M's...

That is all for pictures. We have been bad lately at remembering to take them!

September 24, 2011

Pumpkin Patch time!

We did our annual trip to Ferguson's Orchards today. The hay ride was the best part! Oh, the apple turnovers were pretty good too!

Look at all those pumpkins. Hmmm, which one shall we choose??

This one!

Hay bale fun!

Hey, that fits Dad pretty well!

Largest duck I have ever witnessed. Thing was huge. Hard to tell in the picture though but you can kind of compare it to the goat that is in the upper right corner.

Giving a final kiss goodbye. Until next year!