November 12, 2011

20 months old!

Not too much new at the Banse household. Kaylee has been a happy girl and cold-free the past month or so. And I just realized she is now a few days past 20 months old! She is defintely changing on us before our eyes. Still Mommy's girl 99% of the time. Listening to her talk to herself when she wakes up in the morning is quite adorable and funny. And she is starting to love to play dress up. She seems to want to put her Minnie Mouse Halloween outfit on alot lately and even the ears. Of course she wants to do this AFTER Halloween is over, :)  Here is a couple random pics...

This is her version of saying "Cheeeese!"

Haven't had a bath time pic in a while so thought it would be fun to take a new one. She's all about washing herself and scrubbing her head with soap. Pretty soon she will probably be taking 1/2 hour showers by herself, ha. So here is a look back at past months bath time. How fast time goes by!

2 months...

 6 months...

20 months!