HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY! We love you! ~Ryan and Kaylee
We celebrated Kelly's Birthday with a trip to Rochester to spend some time with the Rahn's. For some reason we forgot to take pictures but managed one at the end when we were leaving. Of course it was Josh and his favorite woman!
Today Kaylee had to stay home after she threw up at daycare right away. So I ended up staying with her all day, and what a better thing to have for an upset stomach than a Blizzard! Yummy! She really wasn't too sick and we played most of the day. Dad is exhausted!
And then just some random pics from the past few weeks...
This Friday the 6th, we find out the sex of the baby! We are pretty excited! Stay tuned :)
On a side note, why does bed time have to be soooo hard for 2-yr olds. She sure is in the "testing our limits" phase. Does not want to go bed at all! So stressful, but it will get better, right? ha. And to think bed time was so easy a few months ago. Terrible 2's at it's finest.