November 30, 2012

More visitors...

Last night our neighbors stopped over for a visit of Makenna. Kari was the the neighbor who helped in the morning before we went to the hospital. Here are some pics of 2 of her 3 kiddos.

Hudson, Finley, and Makenna...

Finley and Makenna (such a cute girl)...

And a picture of Kaylee and Finley n Kaylee's new daycare sleeping bag. Kaylee loves hanging around Finley (age 7) and this shot is adorable...

As for Makenna, not much to report on. She is still sleeping all the time! Which is very nice for us as we are busy with getting ready to move. Thank you Makenna!!

November 28, 2012


Makenna is doing great, and gaining weight. We had to go in for another checkup because the last checkup she did not gain weight, but this time around, she passed. Here are a few pics of our sweetie pie and a few visitors we have had so far...

My childhood friend Brian holding Makenna...

Brian's wife Rhonda...

And Brian and Rhonda's daughter Ava playing with Kaylee. It was great to see them as always and have them stop over to meet our newest addition. Thanks guys!!





Big sister Kaylee (so excited as always to hold and play with her little sister)...

November 23, 2012

Day 4...

My sisters stopped by today to give us a nap break. Here are a few pics. We also gave Makenna her first bath, so that was some exciting stuff. This time around we actually knew what we were doing.

Funny shot...
Dawn and Makenna...

Bath time!!

Gayla and Makenna...

And then a video of Makenna and Kaylee on the couch...

November 21, 2012

Makenna Rae is here!

Makenna Rae
Born 11/19/2012, 11:53 am
6 lbs, 8 oz
19.5 inches long
She's a keeper!! :)

November 18, 2012

Happy Birthday to me! haha

Just some pics of my birthday celebration. Grandma and Grandpa came over today to help pack and clean. And they ended up bringing a DQ cake, yum!

Probably the last picture together of us three!

November 14, 2012

1 week to go!!

Only 1 week to go before Baby Banse arrives. We still have to figure out that name yet (seriously). C-Section is scheduled for 7:30 am on Nov 23rd, 2012. We are all very excited and it shall be an interesting next stage of our lives to say the least. How does a Dad cope with going from one girl to two girls? Haha.  And how is Kaylee going to do with not having all of our attention.

Speaking of girls, here is Kaylee doing what she loves to do. Read books. I happened to record her tonight. Of course she decided to stop half way through, but still sweet enough (see below). I'll have to try and get a better one some other time.

We had her latest hearing appointment the other day and those damn hearing tests can drive a person crazy. She stopped cooperating half way through because it was just getting to be too much work so early in the morning. Readings are still coming back low for her one ear, but we really won't know much until she is a bit older and can do the normal tests that older kids do (press the button/raise your hand when you hear the noise in an ear test). But with her reading and talking so much, and showing no signs of hearing impairment to us, we are pretty encouraged there are no major issues with her hearing.

And finally, we move into our new house on December 7th. Only a few weeks after the baby is born. It will be a fun and challenging transition going from one kid to two kids and at the same time, trying to get moved into a new house. We're up for it though because a new house means much more space.

Ok, I think that is all I have from our end of the world. Time for bed very soon. Kaylee still gets up 2-3 times a night from nightmares (dreams like her daddy), so we are all very tired.