Speaking of girls, here is Kaylee doing what she loves to do. Read books. I happened to record her tonight. Of course she decided to stop half way through, but still sweet enough (see below). I'll have to try and get a better one some other time.
We had her latest hearing appointment the other day and those damn hearing tests can drive a person crazy. She stopped cooperating half way through because it was just getting to be too much work so early in the morning. Readings are still coming back low for her one ear, but we really won't know much until she is a bit older and can do the normal tests that older kids do (press the button/raise your hand when you hear the noise in an ear test). But with her reading and talking so much, and showing no signs of hearing impairment to us, we are pretty encouraged there are no major issues with her hearing.
And finally, we move into our new house on December 7th. Only a few weeks after the baby is born. It will be a fun and challenging transition going from one kid to two kids and at the same time, trying to get moved into a new house. We're up for it though because a new house means much more space.
Ok, I think that is all I have from our end of the world. Time for bed very soon. Kaylee still gets up 2-3 times a night from nightmares (dreams like her daddy), so we are all very tired.