Makenna has been battling a virus the past few days. Had a fever on Sunday, it died down at her Monday morning checkup so they decided to go ahead with her 6-month shots, but then it spiked shortly after, of course the shots didn't help matters. So she has been home from daycare all week. It was a nice few days off for me so I can't complain, :) We think she is finally getting over the virus and should be good to go back to daycare on Thursday. Poor little thing! And a big thanks to the Grandma's for helping out on one of the days!!
On a happier note, I grabbed the high chair out of storage today and used it for the first time with Makenna. She absolutely loved it, and it sure was easier to feed her.
Before the mess...
Long view of her. Thought it was funny to see how tiny she looks in it...