July 29, 2013

Picture sneak peak...

We received back our pictures we had done a month ago. They were mainly for Kaylee's three year old shots and Makenna's 6 month shots. Here are a few that the wife sent me. Not sure what else to expect until I see more! :)

Update: All pictures can be see here:  http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8AbuWbRq4ZtGJ5

One of my favorite ones so far. I knew this one would be good and was waiting patiently for it. Love the backdrop...

July 26, 2013

Drilling Time!

Kaylee had her first visit to the dentist this week. She was very excited about this but a little nervous once they called her name, :)  She did sooo good though, and made Dad very proud! And she loved all the goodies they gave her afterwards! Just one pic to capture the moment, and although she looks nervous, she had a blast once she got comfortable. And it probably helped having a tv in the ceiling to watch some cartoons.

And we got excellent news tonight. No Kelly isn't pregnant, ha. Our next door neighbor sold his house to a couple our age who has a little girl around Kaylee's age. Woohoo! She's finally going to have a playmate (girl that is) in the neighborhood. We were hoping there would be a kid involved in the transaction, :)  considering we have a few retired or single guys in the vicinity.

July 21, 2013

County Fair

We visited the County Fair today and got to see all kinds of crazy fun animals and even better, go on some rides! Kaylee was in luck, we saw Kaylee's friend Bailey so they were able to go on rides together. They loved that!!

Look at that complete excitement coming from Kaylee. She was in heaven...

And all you could hear from this ride was two little girls giggling the entire time...

And our silly girl. Not sure where she gets it from...

Ferris Wheel time. Kaylee was so excited to go on it, we heard about it all day from her. Then when it was our turn to get on the ride, she refused. But Dad wrangled her up there and she loved it.

And then just some short videos, hope you don't get too dizzy watching kids go in circles, :)

Oh yea, first video is Makenna crawling backwards...


July 14, 2013

Vacation Time!

We had our annual family vacation this past week, and had a great time with perfect weather!

Kaylee was in heaven playing with her cousin Emily and all of Emily's American Girl dolls!

First time for Makenna in a pool. She didn't know what to think! :)



July 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Kelly turned the BIG 34! And although she had to work late on her birthday, we were able to celebrate tonight instead.


Mmmm, brownies!!
Makenna enjoying her new toy. We found her in this position, it was quite funny. She is a CRAZY girl and I think is going to be our wild child...