July 26, 2013

Drilling Time!

Kaylee had her first visit to the dentist this week. She was very excited about this but a little nervous once they called her name, :)  She did sooo good though, and made Dad very proud! And she loved all the goodies they gave her afterwards! Just one pic to capture the moment, and although she looks nervous, she had a blast once she got comfortable. And it probably helped having a tv in the ceiling to watch some cartoons.

And we got excellent news tonight. No Kelly isn't pregnant, ha. Our next door neighbor sold his house to a couple our age who has a little girl around Kaylee's age. Woohoo! She's finally going to have a playmate (girl that is) in the neighborhood. We were hoping there would be a kid involved in the transaction, :)  considering we have a few retired or single guys in the vicinity.